Born to run - Book Review

This blog is about great book called "Born to Run - Christopher McDougall". He is a great author and talks about techniques of running and about a tribe that can outrun deer out of breath, not by sprinting but by consistency, patience and keeping it in sight. They can chase deer for days. Animals doesn't have millions of sweat glands like humans. Animals may be able to run fast in short bursts but they need a break to recover their breath and cool down. We can run in conditions no animal can run. Our sweat glands are our advantage. Horses can sprint, but at steady pace humans can beat horses at long distance.

Author talks about this tribe in Mexico "Rarámuri". Research about them in Wiki, very interesting tribe. They are known for their long running ability.

Iskiate - Also known as chia fresca is water based chia drink known for boosting endurance and energy. This is the secret drink let's them going for two days continuous run.

Rarajipari game - The game is played by two teams of four or more players. One member of each team takes a wooden baseball-sized ball and kicks the ball ahead. The members of that team then chase after the ball, pick it up then kick it again. This is usually done for several miles in the casual games. However, in the serious inter-village contests, held after all-night parties, during which much of the Tarahumara corn beer is enjoyed by all, the games will often go on for thirty or forty miles.

Make friends with pain, you will never be alone. The impact on legs on running is 12 times of your body weight. No memory heal can give you enough softness to take this impact.

Human beings are designed to run without shoes. Vibram Five finger shoes are an alternative for bare foot running. Author says your foot have adjustment available to be flexible based on terrain and shock. By adding shoes, we are hiding this ability for foot.

Brain is 2% of body weight but it demands 20% energy. Human body looks for performance, brain looks for efficiency.

You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running.

Our endurance gave food to the brain it needed to grow in the initial days of human evolution. Now brain controlling our body. Brain is conservative, it says save energy for any possible threat in the future.

I can call myself a runner as I completed 66 marathons (accumulated distance) over two and half years. I enjoyed this book thoroughly. First and foremost thing you need to run long distances is NOT long legs, quads, strong back, it is your mindset. You have to believe yourself.


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