Quotes from the book " The 10X rule "

This is pretty interesting book from Grant Cardone, It took some time for me to get convinced to the point author is making but half way through the book I am convinced. Here are some quotes that hit me.

Anyone that suggest to me to do less is either not a real friend or very confused.

Your thoughts and actions are the reason why you are where you are right now.

Success is the degree or measure of attaining some desired object or end. Once you attain this end, the issue is whether you can maintain, multiply and repeat your actions.

This isn't about attaining one goal one time but rather about what we can persist in creating.

A person who limits his or her potential success will limit what he or she will do to create it and keep it.

Mankind seems to have this built-in, automatic calculator whose only purpose is to explain away failure.

"In it to win it whatever it takes"  mind set. Sound too aggressive? sorry, but that is the outlook required to win nowadays.

The harder I work, the luckier I get.

People operate under the assumption that one person's beliefs cannot be maintained if another person's conflicting beliefs exist.

Money is created by man and printed by machines.

Success is not something that happens to you; it's something that happens because of you and because of the action you take.

The average worker reads an average of less than one book a year and works average 37.5 hours per week. This same person makes 319 times less money than the top US CEOs, who claim to read more than 60 books a year.

you cannot plan on everything, and people will try to take from you what they are unable to create themselves.

Prepare for massive, persistent action, and you will win.

If competition is health, then domination is immunity.

Never make it your goal to compete. Instead do everything you can to dominate your sector in order to avoid spending your time chasing someone else.

Do what they will not do, go where they will not go, and think and take actions in 10X quantitates that they cannot comprehend.

I contend that the middle class is the most suppressed, restricted, and confined socioeconomic demographic in the world. 

Today the wealthiest 5 percent of people control $80 trillion, which is more money than has been created in the history of mankind.

Once the obsessed finally do become successful, they're no longer labeled as crazy but instead as geniuses.

The ability to be obsessed is not a disease; it is a gift. 

you can never take too much action or accumulate too much success.

It's been said that FEAR stands for False Events Appearing Real.

Rather than seeing fear as sign to run - as most other people in the market will do-it must become your indicator to go.

If you start with a commitment to success and then agree to control time, you will create an agenda that accommodates all you want.

When you start taking the right amount of action and therefore creating success, criticism is often not far behind.

Emerging organizations  first need  people to know about them, then do everything they can to make them happy. Remember, customer satisfaction cannot exist without a customer first. 

Customer acquisition is the primary target , followed by customer loyalty, followed by customers who spread the word about you.

Your name is your most important asset. People can take everything away from you - but they can't take your name.

The best revenge is massive success.

Nothing happens to you; it happens because of you.

Approach success as you've been taught throughout this book-not as an option but as your duty, obligation, and responsibility - then you must commit to never using excuses for anything.

An alternative response to "I don't know" is "Great question. Let me check into that and figure it out".

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Income is taxed; wealth is not.

I never say no until I have to.

Commitment is actually one of the things of which there is a shortage.

I would prefer a person who is able to fully commit over one who is completely educated any day.

Courage comes to those who act, not to those who think, wait, and wonder.

Do things that scare you more frequently, and they will slowly begin to scare you a bit less- until they become so habitual that you wonder why you ever feared them in the first place!

Successful people invest time, energy, and money in improving themselves.

Motivation is an inside job. I can't motivate you, and you can't motivate anyone else.

The next reality of how things will or can be is only as far away as the next person who creates it.

It is my belief that creativity and problem solving are stimulated only after a person fully commits.

It is not necessarily the smartest and brightest who win in the game of life but rather those who can commit the most passionately to their cause.

Black belts don't learn new skills from white belts.

I don't want it just for the game or the money but mostly because I really do consider it to be an ethical obligation to utilize my potential.

Fear is an indicator that you are moving in the right direction.

Show up, be all in, and trust that creativity follows commitment.

Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility , and by thinking at 10X levels and taking 10X actions, I am certain you will create more success than you have even dreamed of.


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