Quotes from the book "Life 3.0"
Life 3.0 is an interesting book about AI and its philosophies. Here are a few quotes that hit me.
Technology is giving life the potential to flourish life like never before or to self-destruct.
Hydrogen given enough time turns into people
Hardware is the matter, software is the pattern. Matter doesn't matter. Intelligence doesn't require flesh, blood, and atoms.
Interacting with people and social intelligence, unpredictable environment, creative.
Boredom, vice, and need are kept at bay by work.
If not everyone's job needs to generate money, then the sky is the limit to creativity.
People, unpredictability, and creativity are what AI is bad at, for now, kids you may want to choose those professions.
There are 3 kinds of problems:
- PHP: Pretty Hard Problem: conscious vs unconscious
- EHP: Even Harder problem: Individual subjective experience.
- RHP: A really hard problem. why anything conscious