Quotes from the book"Grit" - Angela Duckworth

This book "Grit" by Angela Duckworth is a really interesting and engaging, that reiterates passion, perseverance, and Grit. Here are a few quotes that are really interesting to me.

Our potential is one thing and what we do with is completely another.  

Striver with 4 years of more experience rates equally as a Natural genius. People are more biased about Natural genius than Striver. 

Remember Effort counts twice. 

  • Talent X Effort = skill.
  • Skill X Effort = Achievement

Time and energy are limited, you decide what to do by deciding what not to do. 

The bigger the surface area(investments, commitments, projects) more stress you have. 

Green Beret (US military force) Motto is Improvise, adapt, overcome. 

Grit consists of interest, practice, purpose, and hope. 


Passion follows three stages: initial discovery, a long period of development, and then life-long deepening. 


One study has shown that children find school challenging but not interesting, social time interesting but not challenging, and extracurricular activities both interesting and challenging. 


Seattle Seahawks chant in their locker room "No whining. No complaining. No excuses". 

Some people get 20 years of experience in one year, while others get one year of experience 20 times. 

Practice till conscious incompetence becomes unconscious competence.  

The roots of knowledge are bitter, but its fruits are sweet.  

Deliberate practice is a behavior, and flow is an experience.  


Routines are a godsend when it comes to doing something hard. 

Steps to improve deliberate practice:

  • Set clear goals
  • Focus on improvement
  • Receive feedback
  • Repeat & Refine 
  • Maintain Consistency
  • Stay Disciplined
  • Push beyond comfort zones

Success is all about passion and perseverance for a long time. 

Suffering makes people hopeless only when they believe they can’t control it. 

Fragile perfect is someone who knows how to succeed but not how to fail. 


Finnish people believe sisu (loosely translates to Grit) spirit can be learned. 


Use mistakes and opportunities to get better, not to quit. 


Greatness and goodness are different things, if forced to choose pick Goodness. 


What to look for in leaders: capability, character, how they treat people. Ask below two questions:

  • Would you let them run your business without you? 
  • Would you let your kids work for them? 

Warren buffet said write 25 career goals, highlight 5. Avoid the remaining 20, those are going to waste your time. 

The challenge of writing is seeing how terrible you write and go to bed, come back in the morning refine it, day after day again and again. 

Happy Reading !!!


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