Quotes from the book "The Daily Stoic"

Here are some quotes from the great book "The Daily Stoic" - Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman. If you like these quotes, you must pick up the book.

  • Stoicism is a way of life (logics+ethics), our ability to use our reason to choose how we respond and reorient ourselves to external events. It's ultimately framed around
    • The discipline of perception: how we see the world around us
    • The discipline of Action: The decisions and actions we take
    • The discipline of will: How we deal with things we can NOT change.
  • Contrl your perceptions. Direct your actions properly. willingly accept what's outside your control. That's all we need to do.
  • If you want to be steady, if you want clarity, proper judgment is the best way.
  • You've got just one thing to manage: Your choices, your will, your mind. So mind it.
  • Man is pushed by drives but pulled by values.
  • Find what you do out of rote memory or routine. Ask yourself: Is this really the best way to do it?
  • Money only marginally changes life. External things can't fix internal issues.
  • Constantly say to yourself, I have it in my soul to keep out any evil, desire, or any kind of disturbance - instead, seeing the true nature of things, I will give them only their due. Always remember this power that nature gave you.
  • Three areas of training
    • The first has to do with desires and aversions
    • Second has to do with impulses to act and not to act
    • Third has to do with freedom from deception and composure
  • WWJD (what would Jesus do?). You can replace Jesus with the person/role model you like.
  • New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick gives his players: "Do your job". Like a Roman, Like a good slider, like a master of our craft. We don't need to get lost in a thousand other distractions or in other people's business.
  • If you wish to improve, be content to appear clueless or stupid in extraneous matters - don't wish to seem knowledgeable. 
  • Strength is the ability to maintain a hold of oneself.
  • We would never let another person jerk us around the way we let our impulses do.
  • The source of your anxiety is wanting something outside your control.
  • Is this really the life I want? every time you get upset, a little bit of life leaves the body. Don't be afraid to make a change - a big one.
  • Fix your attention on your intelligence. Let it do its thing.
  • Many of the things that upset us, the Sotics believed, are a product of the imagination, not reality.
  • Life is difficult enough. Let's not make it harder by getting emotional about insignificant matters or digging in for battles we don't actually care about.
  • When it comes to your goals and the things you strive for, ask yourself: Am I in control of them or are they in control of me?
  • You shouldn't give circumstances the power to rouse anger.
  • When someone arouses anger, know that it's really your own opinion fueling it. Make it your first response not be carried away.
  • Don't set your heart on so many things. Focus. Prioritize. Train your mind to ask: Do I need this thing? What will happen if I do not get it? Can I make do without it?
  • If we do not focus on our internal integration -  on self-awareness, we risk external disintegration.
  • Try your best not to create this fantasy bubble and live in what's real. Listen and connect with people, don't perform for them.
  • If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you'd be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled-have you no shame in that?
  • Maintain control over your mind and perceptions, they'd say. It's your most prized possession.
  • If I know how you spend your time, then I know what might become of you.
  • Let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.
  • You are not your body and hairstyle, but your capacity for choosing well. If your choices are beautiful, so too will you be.
  • We can't blame other people for making us feel stressed or frustrated any more than we can blame them for our jealousy. The cause is within us. They're just the target.
  • The cause of my irritation is not in this person but in me.
  • Of course, I deprecate war, but if it is brought to my door the bringer will find me at home - President James Garfield.
  • A degree on a wall means you're educated as much as shoes on your feet mean you're walking.
  • Fight Club Quote: We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.
  • Your mind will take the shape of what you frequently hold in thought.
  • There is something of a civil war going on within all of our lives. a war inside each individual between the good parts of their soul and the bad.
  • To be rational today, we have to do just three things:
    • First, we must look inward.
    • Next, we must examine ourselves critically.
    • finally, we must make our own decisions - uninhibited by biases or popular notions.
  • How you do anything is how you do everything. It's true. How you handle today is how you'll handle every day. How you handle this minute is how you'll handle every minute.
  • It's better to plant the seeds of a few authors than to be scattered about by many.
  • What kind of boxer are you if you leave because you get hit? That's the nature of the sport! Is that going to stop you from continuing?
  • First, don't get upset because that will color your decision negatively. Second, remember the purpose and principles you value most. 
    • Don't get upset
    • Do the right thing
    • That's it.
  • Evaluate what you are doing, why you are doing it, and where accomplishing it will take you. If you don't have a good answer, then stop.
  • But what does Socrates say? just as one person delights in improving his farm, and another his horse, so I delight in attending to my own improvement day by day.
  • In your actions, don't procrastinate. In your conversation, don't confuse. In your thoughts, don't wander. In your soul, don't be passive or aggressive. In your life, don't be all about business.
  • Don't get carried away. Take it slow. Train with humility.
  • You are a human being, not a human doing(workaholic). Work is what horses die of. Take pride in your work. But that is not all.
  • Ignore, as best you can, the emotions that pop up, which would be so easy to distract yourself with. Don't get emotional - get focused.
  • Money doesn't change people, it just makes them more of who they are. Power doesn't corrupt, it reveals.
  • The two words are: Persist and resist.
  • As the Beatles put it, "In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you bring".
  • Ultimately that's what Stoicism is about - Not judging other people's behavior, but judging our own.
  • You have the choice to be truthful. You have the choice to be dignified. You can choose to endure. you can choose to be happy. you can choose to be thrifty. You can choose to be kind to others. You can avoid trafficking in gossip.
  • You have two essential tasks in life: to be a good person and to pursue the occupation that you love. Everything else is a waste of energy and a squandering of your potential.
  • There is one thing and only one thing that causes unhappiness. The name of that thing is Attachment.
  • You don't get a prize at the end of your life for having consumed more, worked more, spent more, collected more, or learned more about the various vintages than everyone else.
  • Gratitude is infectious. Its positivity is radiant.
  • At some point, we must put our books aside and take action. So that, as Seneca put it, the "words become works". There is an old saying that a "scholar made is a soldier spoiled". We want to be both scholars and soldiers - soldiers in the good fight.
Happy reading !!!


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