Quotes from the book "When things fall apart" - Pema Chodron


Quotes from the book 'When Things Fall Apart' by Pema Chödrön."

  • Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.
  • Am I going to add to the aggression in the world ? Am I Going to practice peace, or am I going to war?
  • This very moment is the perfect teacher, and, lucky for us, it's with us wherever we are.
  • Bring our minds back home.
  • Meditation is the willingness to die over and over again.
  • Because of mindfulness, we see our desires and our aggression, our jealousy, and our ignorance. We don't act on them; we just see them. Without mindfulness, we don't see them.
  • Mindfulness is the ground; refraining is the path.
  • Four pairs of opposites - pleasure and pain, loss and gain, fame and disgrace, and praise and blame - is what keeps us stuck in the pain of samsara.
  • One can be lonely and not be tossed away by it.
  • We can just be lonely with no alternatives, content to be right here with the mood and texture of what's happening.
  • If you want to find the meaning, stop chasing after so many things.
  • Three marks of our existence: impermanence, suffering, and egolessness.
  • Pain is not punishment; pleasure is not a reward.
  • There are four maras:
    • Devaputra mara: seeking pleasure
    • Skandha mara: re-create ourselves
    • Klesha mara: emotions
    • Yama mara: fear or death
  • Studying ourselves provides all the books we need.
  • Bodhidharma brought Zen Buddhism from India to China.
  • You take it all in. You let the pain of the world touch your heart and you turn it into compassion.
  • Dalai Lama describes two kinds of selfish people: The unwise and the wise. Unwise selfish people think only of themselves, and the result is confusion and pain. Wise selfish people know that the best thing they can do for themselves is to be there for others. As a result, they experience joy.
  • All ego really is, is our opinions, which we take to be solid, real.
  • The best mantra is "OM Grow Up Swaha".
  • For the Path of Awakening and Joy: The first method we'll call no more struggle; the second, using poison as medicine; and the third is seeing whatever arises as enlightened wisdom.
  • The three poisons are passion, aggression, and ignorance.
  • When your mind wanders off just say to yourself "Thinking". 
  • When something hurts in life, we don't usually think of it as our path or as the source of wisdom. In fact, we think that the reason we're on the path is to get rid of this painful feeling. ("When I get to L.A., I won't feel this way anymore") At that level of wanting to get rid of our feelings, we naively cultivate a subtle aggression against ourselves.
  • The world will never run out of messages.
  • If you want to see what has brought you to this point, look at your past thoughts and actions. If you want to see your future, look at your present thoughts and actions.


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