Quotes from the book "The Coming Wave"

Here are some quotes from the book "The Coming Wave" by Mustafa Suleyman and Michael Bhaskar.

For the context Mustafa Suleyman is CEO of Microsoft AI , co-founder of DeepMind and Inflection AI.

Waves Follow a single seemingly immutable law: it gets cheaper and easier to use and ultimately it proliferates, far and wide.

The coming wave is defined by two core technologies: AI and synthetic biology.

Uber was impossible without the smart-phone, which itself was enabled by GPS, which was enabled by satellites, which were enabled by rockets, which were enabled by combustion techniques, which were enabled by language and fire.

Technologies are ideas, and ideas cannot be eliminated.

What if we could grow what we wanted locally? what if our supply chain was just biology?

If AI represents the automation of information, robotics is the automation of the material.

(Life + Intelligence) X Energy - Modern Civilization.

The Leader in AI "will become the ruler of the world".

The idea that technology alone can solve social and political problems is a dangerous delusion. But the idea that they can be solved without technology is also wrongheaded.

The combined revenues of companies in Fortune's Global 500 are already at 44% of world GDP. Their total profits are larger than all but the top six countries annual GDPs.

The world's top fifty cities have the lion's share of wealth and corporate power (45% of big companies HQs; 21% of world GDP) despite having only 8% of the world's population. The top 10% of global firms take 80% of the total profits.

AI is both valuable and dangerous precisely because it's an extension of our best and worst selves.

For every gun there is a dose of lifesaving penicillin.

Four features of the coming wave: asymmetry, hyper-evolution, omni-use, and autonomy.

Technology is not a niche; it is a hyper-object dominating human existence.

Happy Reading !!!


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