Shoeism : A new way of protest

Shoeism, its not Gandhism or Maoism or Naxalism or Terrorism.....just SHOEISM. This the name i gave to the recent non conventional way of protesting.

Low cost (just it costs your shoe)
Individual Identification in public and media
Major chance of getting excused (2 out of 3 guys released without any imprisonment)
Best Publicity and Marketing chances for your shoe
Monetary Benefits offered in some cases

What else you are waiting for throw your shoe at a famous personality and enjoy your publicity.

Bush was the first one to taste this experience in Iraq. Followed by China Prime Minster in Germany. Last but not least Chidambaram, The Home Minister from India.

What are common factors:

All the three victims are politicians.
All the source incidents were death of the people. (Killings of innocent citizens in Iraq, Tienanmen square killing in China, Riots against Sikhs in Delhi).
Two of them were journalists and one was student.

Is it wrong to throw shoe on face, to show your protest against killings and helpless-ness of politicians in acting against the culprits ?

Small violent action to show protest against big violence. okie dokie :-)

By the way on whom you want to throw your shoe , if you get a chance ? Think and keep your shoe polished. Give way politicians, here we come with a shining shoe.


RaviKiran said…
The idea is really nice and cheap too as mentioned.
But you should be prepared for the spontaneous response from the security personal of these politicians.
Guyz be prepared for this and polish your shoes


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