Actions-Reactions III

Here comes the third one in a row, refer earlier version of ACTIONS-REACTIONS below



Q) My girl friend asks, do you love me ?
A) Tell her, I love you when i don't hate you.

Q) I love a girl, when can i propose her ?
A) Go and Do it, what are you waiting for Chinese New Year ?

Q) Love is Art or Science ?
A) War is more of Art than Science , so as Love.

Q) Swimming going to make me slim ?
A) Then explain me whale.

Q) What are corporate values ?
A) Holy Crap

Q) Are you No#1 in any thing ?
A) In fact in many things, all it matters is you are looking from top or bottom.

Q) How can i check if a S/W girl is good organizer of home or not ?
A) Check her desktop, the way she keeps her desktop is the way she is going keep her home.

Q) My boy friend hates Ice Cream ?
A) Don't complain unless he hates you.

Q) Are you Feminist or Misogynist ?
A) I am a Humanist.

Q) What do you think of yourself ?
A) Bloody Blogger :-)


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