Learning from Devils

Don't be afraid of the title, I just want to unveil the Notorious leadership styles of some of the evil characters in the history. They set an example to learn something from them. I know there are many things we can learn from positively successful people, but let me try these striking examples from Negative Characters in the history.

Some of the characters I picked for this are as below

One fought for his Region: LTTE Prabhakaran
One fighting for his Religion: Osama Bin Laden (No Introduction needed)
One fought for Money and Power: Pablo Escobar (Columbia drug lord)
One Communist Agrarian Leader: Pol Pot(responsible for 2 Million Deaths)

These are some leaders engraved their name in the history with RED BOLD letters. These people go to any extreme to do what they believe. The path they have chosen was wrong but not the core purpose.

LTTE Prabhakaran:
A person connected to the need of his region. For equal rights and separate identification of his region people, he chosen extreme route. Only Individual in the world was able to manage Navy, Air Force, Army under the umbrella of LTTE. Any obstacle in the way to his cause need to be removed by hook or crook. He asked his Security to shoot him, if he is circled by enemy army.

A cause above his life, a revolution for his region at the cost of life of his own region people (suicide bombers). Lack of education, strategic mistakes and stubborn-ism caused him costly during the process of his revolution.

Osama Bin Laden:
A man doesn't need introduction, bearing all time highest Wanted $$ amount on his head. Inspiring his team towards the goal and transforming them in such a way, that they will find their own source for execution of plan. One of the best examples is Mumbai blasts. The team assigned for this purpose looted money from local Mumbai bank and acquired all the material with that money. A leader makes his team self style leaders.

Liking his own religion should not end up in hate crime with other religions. Nobody in the history tried for religious cleaning were successful, instead he might have chosen intelligent path to spread his religion. Like Vivekanada and Dalailama, they are more successful in connecting people to religion with mere words.

Pablo Escobar
Colombian drug lord. Established drug business empire and successfully executed it. No body ever in any business was able to enjoy such a monoply (upto 80% controlled by him). He is the first and he is the last. He topped business with innovative ideas like distributing money within the poor people of his region for local support. He assumed un-challenged control by giving money to any body killing police.

Tried hard to get Robin Hood image. Cause was right but path was wrong.

Pol Pot
Cambodian Communist Leader. He has done radical experiment by forcing every one to labor in agriculture Fields. Once he is into power he declared this is 'Year Zero', and the society is about to be 'purified'.

All foreigners were thus expelled, embassies closed, and any foreign economic or medical assistance was refused. The use of foreign languages was banned. Newspapers and television stations were shut down, radios and bicycles confiscated, and mail and telephone usage curtailed. Money was forbidden. All businesses were shuttered, religion banned, education halted, health care eliminated, and parental authority revoked. Thus Cambodia was sealed off from the outside world. All of Cambodia's cities were then forcibly evacuated.

Millions of Cambodians accustomed to city life were now forced into slave labor in agriculture fields. Everybody supposed to work from 4 AM to 10 PM. Two rest periods in 18 hour day work. One holiday in 10 days. Three days holidays for Cambodia New Year. It all happened between 1975-79.

He want to emphasize on agriculture, which is backbone for the country. But the way he executed is horrible.

Happy Reading !!!


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