Qualities of Stita Prajna - Bhagavd Gita

Since my child hood I was trying to practice only one quality - 'Stita Prajna'. Ofcourse I am not able to conquer yet. I am sure I can do that, before dusk of my life. My mom told me If you can be 'Stita Prajna' you achieve everything in life. I never understood this though.

If you dont know what does 'Stita Prajna' means, here is the meaning for you...The hero whose soul is unmoved by circumstance, who accepts pleasure and pain with equanimity.

Sri Krishna explained Arjuna in Bhagavd Gita about this quality in Second chapter. Arjun asks, Krishna why should I kill all my Relatives, Guru's, parent like people for just Kingdom. Then Lord Krishna told, The one who Refuse to fight for Righteous cause is also a traitor and incur sin. Then he asks Arjuna to be 'Stita Prajna'. That was the context.

How can you become , what you want to be. Its not so easy. Especiall for a person who is moved to extremes quickly. I become happy or sad very quickly. Angry strikes my brain with lightning fast. Small things of fun make jump in joy. I tried to analyze things which makes me sad and happy. Whatever they may be, they are pretty small. If I can just carry on my duties for my goal in my life being indifferent to result , I am done.

I am not sure whether I can treat pain and pleasure in the same way. But I wont give up my practice.

Here is the line I am talking about:

Enlish Script:
sukha-duhkhe same kritva
labhalabhau jayajayau
tato yuddhaya yujyasva
naivam papam avapsyasi

Sanskrit Script:

Meaning in English:
Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat alike, engage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this way you will not incur sin. (2.38)


Kalyan said…
I guess sri krishna manipulated arjuna for the reasons known to sri krishna himself very well.

'The one who Refuse to fight for Righteous cause is also a traitor and incur sin'

People under Kauravas kingdom are happy.So what more good and righteous cause is needed for any king who lives for his peoples sake.

One thing is very sure that in any sacred book irrespective of what they did bad people enjoyed the most and good people ruined completely for FALSE PRESTIGE.
I think sacred books promote altruism.People who suffer or die for the so called righteous cause will become heros and hero worship becomes foundation for gods.And for proof we can take Jesus,allah and off course Rama.

I dont say promoting good is bad.But mass pulling stories are killing reasoning.They are only helping to maintain a peaciful society and nothing else.

RAMYANA:-Weather ravana did right or wrong is a different issue but rama got nothing through out his life.At the end he died with depression by commiting sucide in sarayu river.

MAHABARATHA:-By listening Krishna's words,pandavas may got their kingdoms,but the same krishna is reason for the death of all sons of pandavas.

What is the use of kingdom when you have no wife left(for rama) and when you have no children left(for pandavas).For what righteous cause they fought by ruining their own familys?

How any one can become stita prajana as EMOTIONS themselves are part of Humans Life.

I believe that no one can become Stita prajana,thats the reason why Krishna the biggest manipulator of that time brought this word to show his uniqueness.

Everyone feels bad when they dont get what they want.Everyone feels happy when they got what they aimed.I hope only Sri krishna and tree stump will acheive stita prajana and the rest will enjoy and suffer with there emotions

traitor is the word just distinguish good and bad,but everyone is traitor.The biggest traitor is Dramaraju himself,he lost his sense in gambling and kept his wife as a bet.

Sin itself has no meaning,If all sufferers are sinners,then people died in Ayyapa stampede and tsunami are sinners too.Its a base less logic.

My point is not to counter you as specific but to clarify and to have a healthy debate so that our insights will go a little deep and we can change our beliefs accordingly.
kalyan said…
I consider that people with real cause and sacrfice will not get what they really deserved and people with specific motives and azendas beyond our imagination will get more focus.

The perfect example for the above is Gandhi and bhghat singh.Gandhi used nehru and nehru used gandhi for their own different azendas.

Bhghat singh died for a cause and he is a real patriotic.Even though patritioism is also an induced emotion,any way he is right to the circumstances of his times.

The insight of Bhghat singh can be understood through his pamplet before his execution and now available in net with title 'why i am an atheist'.I believe that no one is good or bad basically.situaions,environments,intrepatations pulls people in to do certian actions which eventually creates many sub sequent circumstances.So judging rama as good and ravana as bad is just an author intrepretation.
Kalyan said…
Treating pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat alike, engage yourself in your duty. By doing your duty this way you will not incur sin.

I cant speak about SIN.But if we treat all the above with same feeling.We wont get any motivation for sure and we loose intrest or fear towards what we have intended to do.I hope people work for two reasons one for gain and two for pain.
Unknown said…
If we analyse life,it is a journey from one desire to another. Once you get a nice degree, then it's turn to land the best job available and so on and so forth. In this journey, we are pulled between success and failures. One thing to remember is failure is not till decided as so by your mind. So mind drives us through out.

Another way of looking at life is performing your duties without being worried about the result. You are equal to success and failure and in the process liberate yourself from miseries of life. It is in the realisation that we are part of a grand scheme of things and we are only playing a part in it as assigned by the almighty without fear of consequences. Now your actions must not create troubles for others

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