Quotes from the book "The one thing"

Be like postage stamp, stick to one thing until you get there.

Every great thing start like falling dominoes. Find the lead domino.

We are bombarded with more information and choices in a day than our ancestors in their life time.

It ain't what you don't know thats gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.

Life is too short to chase unicorns and its too precious to rely on rabbit foot.

Things which matter most can not be at the mercy of things matter least.

The question is what are we busy about.

Achievers do sooner what others plan to do later.

on an average we get new thought every 14 seconds and with an average of 4,000 thoughts a day.

Multi tasking is also known as monkey mind. we are driving ourselves bananas.

A juggler will have one ball in one hand at any given point of time. What he is doing is task switching not multi-tasking.

Success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything right.

Michael Phelps has ADHD, if he was counted as country in olympics, he stands at 12th rank in his last 3 olympics.

Success is sequential not simultaneous. one at a time, overtime.

Are you bringing your will power or won't power to the problem.

Your todo list should have two sections what matters most and the rest.

Borders and boundaries may be clear on map, if we apply to lives it may not be so.

No one knows their ultimate ceiling for achievement. 

Success is not all the things we do, handful of things we do well.

Even if you are on the right track , you will get run-over if you are there for long time.

Purpose should be set by top leadership, priority set by middle management and productivity is achieved by all employees. 

Live with purpose, live by priority,  live for productivity. 

Purpose sets priority and priority determines productivity 

A life lived on purpose is the most powerful and and happiest.
Five factors contribute to happiness positive emotion, pleasure, achievement,  relationships, engagement and meaning. 

Concentrate all your thoughts upon work at hand , the sun's rays do not burn until brought to focus.

Efficiency is doing the thing right , effectiveness is doing the right thing.

Focus is the mastery of deciding what things you are not going to do.

Four thieves of productivity are 
  • Inability to say NO
  • Fear of chaos
  • poor health habits
  • environment doesn't support your goals.
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

If you don't take care of your body where will you live ?

Productive people thrive on emotional energy.
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.

Half-filed dreams and unfulfilled hopes : this was the number one regret expressed by the dying.


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