Chugach has new rules...

Once upon a time there was a big forest named Chugach, coyotes used to be the king of the jungle. As the forest is too big , some Bisons came crossing the river and started settling there. Slowly over the years Bisons started killing coyotes and took over the Chugach forest.

Bison is the new leader of the forest now. That forest has lot of green pasture and beautiful landscape. This forest has lot of empty land, so the Bison invited animals from other forests  to come and co-live with it. The animals struggling for survival in other forests became interested. Peacocks living in Chandak jungle , bears living in Spruce forest, Dogs living in Lacandon jungle heard about this new forest and started moving one by one.

In the early days Bison wants to build eco system and encouraged animals from other forests. Time passed by, Bison felt there are enough animals now, so started saying NO to new animals. The dogs that can't fit the rules started sneaking in. Slowly bisons started feeling the pressure and competition with the earlier invited animals. Now the new leader of bison said no more animals from other forests. All the animals want to bring their families, but new bison leader said some of the existing animals need to leave the forest too. 

Peacocks started worrying, they wont be accepted back in Chandak jungle any more and facing head winds in Chugach forest. Dogs and bears confused too.

Why can't Bison decide what is right for Chugach ?
If Chugach is no longer green, will the animals from other forest will stay and build OR leave for their native forests ?
Does the eco-system of forest survives better with different animals co-existing ?

Any parallels to any contemporary issues is strictly un-warranted.


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