Impossible guy - Richard Wright

This blog is about the impossible guy Richard Wright, you can visit him at 

He is three time stage 4 cancer survivor and Iron Man finisher.  The reason I am calling him impossible is because of two things. ONE you need to have tough state of mind and positivity to overcome terminal cancer that many times. TWO , Finishing Iron man is an extra ordinary thing for a healthy human being. 

It is a triathlon event of completing 2.4 mile swim , 112 mile bicycle ride and 26.1 miles run. All in one day. So you will be working close to 17 hours on that day. This is couple of months exercise for me in one day.

  • DNA is NOT as important as DNS(Did not start) and DNF( did not finish).
  • Succeeding from failure is learning from it. failing at failure is not learning from it.
  • Preparation is the Key to anything.
  • Nobody can be YOU, nobody replaces you, you just be you.
  • You can't control competitors, external conditions, all you have control over is your thought.
  • Your thoughts should serve you. you are the gatekeeper of your thoughts.
  • Focus on only things you can control.
  • I have suffered some terrible things in life , some of it actually happened, remaining in my brain.
  • How many things you are worrying about right now, you need not be worrying about.
  • Do you know how many times you failed in getting up while trying to walk as a child.
  • Resilience is adapting to change.
  • What are the things you can let go off. 
  • Act as if you are NEVER going back.
  • Self-care is important, put on your own oxygen mask. Care for your own body fitness, mental strength and emotional energy.
  • Too much time in your head is bad for you. keep journaling your thoughts. Stay positive, document three wins every day.
  • Physical, mental and emotional fitness are the three important things. Emotional fitness is the most important thing, it decides resiliency.
  • You are the CEO(Chief Energy Officer) of you. Energy is more contagious than virus.
  • Stop feeding your cancers (negativity, fear, doubt, past, expectation).
  • How many of the fears you have, actually became true ?
  • Nobody said it would be easy. fitness journey can be hard, could be messy. 
  • Electric light didn't come from improvement of candles - Oren Harari.
  • Five second rule -  do something about your thoughts within 5 seconds. Either you should kill them or document them.
  • what would make you happy - write down.
  • happiness is now. Being present in the moment.
  • Do something today, that your future-self will thank you for - Sean Patrick Fanley.
  • Self speak. Its ok to talk to yourself , Keep saying in your mind "I am strong".
  • Control your distractions (thoughts, triggers). Be intentional with your thoughts, what you are allowed to think.
  • You know you better than anybody else. 
  • optimism and positivity are two different things. Being optimist is rebellious choice, believing in the future. 
  • It all starts with the question "How can I help you". Thats how you breakthrough.
  • Between thinking brain and feeling brain, your feeling brain is the most important thing.
  • Without change, we have no future, just a recurring past. 


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