Quotes from recent books I read
Few quotes from Tipping point and winner takes it all books.
Craig Shapiro: Very interesting thought for the all the entrepreneurs.
- When people are in group, the responsibility for acting is diffused.
- Every person has inner and outer personality. Inner personality is the real one.
- Plutocrats: whose power comes from his wealth.
- If we want things to stay as they are, then things have to change.
- The only better thing than being fox is being fox asked to watch over hen.
Philanthorcapitalists: Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, who derived money from capitalism and using it on philanthropy in their later days. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers at heart, so they use their money on philanthropy much better than people who gained their wealth through generations.
- World continue to innovate and remain short on progress.
- Everybody should be able to work wherever they want whenever they want not because they need to.
- For corporates its not enough to be in market they want to dominate it, its not enough to serve customer, they want to capture them.
- As technologist we should have some safe places where we can try out new things and figure out effects on the society. -- Larry Page
- 62 billionaires in the world own more than 3.6billion people in the world. As the time goes by this top billionaires are consolidating into a smaller number.
- Rolling with the waves instead of stopping ocean.
- Inequality is not just about giving back, it is about how you make the money you are going to give back in the first place.
Marketworld: giving bits of power to those who lack it, instead of taking away power from those who hold it.