Presidential Debate Sep 2020


This blog is about the First Presidential debate in 2020. Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for 90 mins and 6 topics on the table.

Joe Biden is coming with 78% stats of winning the debate. These kind of stats proved wrong in 2016. My prediction was Trump will be like Bull in the China shop, will make Biden do at least few forced mistakes. But Biden controlled the debate decently and didnt commit major mistakes. It was interesting to watch the debate after Trump tax returns news from NewYork Times few days back. Chris Wallace from fox was the moderator of the debate. 

Supreme Court Nominee: Donald Trump said he won the election and elections have consequences. She is outstanding student and nominee. Joe Biden said American people should have a say, so supreme court nominee should be selected later. Biden thinks Affordable care act might be impacted with this supreme court nominee.

Trump started offensively. Biden started assertive, said he is democratic party in one context. One interesting quote from Trump is "Chris, it looks like I am debating you rather than Biden, I am not surprised".

My observations are as follows:

  • Biden is stumbling a little bit, he started assertive.
  • Debate is very interesting, each candidate want to dominate.
  • Biden said "shut up man"
  • Biden is trying to speak to people directly, while Trump bragging and attacking
  • Biden stumbled on Kamala Harris statement and quickly diverted from the topic, wise thing.
  • Trump's quote "no body shows up to Joe's meetings".
  • Trump's quote "I paid $38 million in taxes in one particular year"
  • Biden's Quote "38 out of fortune 500 companies pay $0 tax"
  • Trump's Quote " you are second" in one context.
  • Biden is under estimated , but he is well prepared for this debate. He handled decently.
  • Biden's quote "It's not about my family and your family, we are talking about American families".
  • Trump was called out for interrupting debate by moderator.
  • Biden was struggling to say "systematic Injustice", "Sense of self-esteem", "booming economy", "suckers", "Stop tearing down forests"
  • "I don't hold public office now" - Biden. 
  • "Boys stand down" - Trump.
  • "Its hard to get a word in with this clown" - Biden
  • Trump changed topic of Biden one son to the other, very intelligently.
  • At one point the moderator and Joe Biden forgot what they are talking about because of Trump ranting.
  • Some said this is the worst presidential debate ever seen.


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