Baseless US Economy !!!

Hi Friends,
This time the article is related to the most powerful problem of today world, not Terrorism, not AIDS, not war, yes it is none other than US ECONOMY!!!!

Some quotes before entering:
There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself.....
The reason for most of the wars in the history is either Money or Women.
Give me control of Nation money supply, and i don't care who makes it laws.

1775 American revolution prime cause is disabling currency of colonies and forcing them to use the money issued by central bank, England. This throws all the colonies into debt.

For any country's economy central bank is the key. It controls Interest rates and money supply.

Economic panics are scientifically created by Central Bank to figure out mathematical equation.

In 1920 Margin loans are introduced by Federal Reserve Bank, in short these loans mean, giving $100 you can get loan of $1000. The only condition is loan can be called any time within 24 hours notice. They lend high amount of loans under this scheme. These loans were called back in 1930, which made 10,000 banks insolvent.

In 1933 all the gold backing of the dollar currency is withdrawn, making it mere paper.

Federal reserve is a private corporation, it gives loans at interest rate to US government. It makes it own policies.

35% of tax is paid by US people goes to Federal Reserve, to pay the interest on loans taken by Government. Not even one cent is spent for social welfare activities. It directly goes into the pockets of Federal Reserve bankers. It is run by international bankers and financiers.

War is another source of income for Federal Reserve. Govt will take money from federal reserve to spend in war. So Federal reserve makes sure there are wars happening, like WW I, WW II, Vietnam War, IRAQ War etc.,

whenever the economy is in trouble the war happens.

So to conclude the fundamentals of US Economy are very weak, It caused recession in the past, present and it is going to repeat in the future.

Watch interesting video related to this on YouTube, it is 5 parts, watch all the parts. It is really interesting.

Lets see which US president can save US Economy from the clutches of Banker and Financiers.

Thanks to Mayur Marda for the clarifications and resource that inspired me to write this article.


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