
How do you feel when some one Blackmail you !!!!!!

I had this experience today, well here is that thrilling and painful story......

I lost my mobile in Stop and Shop today. I realised it after i went to Walmart. I started calling my mobile continuously from my friend's cellphone and no one is lifting my phone. I rushed back to the shop where i lost it and informed the Manager. They said we didnt receive any.....

I took both of my friend's cell phones and kept calling my mobile. Suddenly i heard my cell ringtone and a Black man is passing by me. I stopeed him. I said, "excuse me". He just looked back and yelled at me "What the ....". I was stunned and said "sorry". Again i kept calling and this time it is switched off.

Some how i suspected the person who passed by me. I followed him for a while and he escaped from there quickly in his car. I was still giving calls to my mobile. This time someone lifted it and said "what the .... you want from me", my doubt is right its the same person who passed by me. I recognized the voice. I said i lost my mobile and you are talking in that with me right now. He said i got it, so its mine now. And he gave me a bumper offer. He said i will sell it back to you for $20.

I yelled BLACKMAIL !!!!! He said no RESALE to the same Owner.

Here comes the interval.

Ok back from interval, i told him ok lets do that. He told me to leave $20 on the bench near by shop and he will leave the mobile there. I suspected that he will loot the $20 also from me and escape without giving my mobile. I said lets meet face to face any way i saw you, i will give $20 as a gift to you.....

Deal is finalizing. Here comes the twist. I engaged one of my friend earlier to disable the cell phone as i am not finding it. He did it at this right time before the deal getting finalized. Now i lost contact with my Blackmailer.

Now i engaged my frined to enable the cellphone on war footing basis. He is on the job. Now i got two benches at that shop. One inside and one outside. I parked my car near by and i kept two of my friends to watch the bench. I went near to the bench, i can see no body watching me. I acted like i kept some money there and went inside.

Here comes another twist. Shop manager saw me wandering there since last one hour and asked me whats happening? I explained the whole situation. She said i am calling police. I said i am going to handle the situation, no need. She started analyzing the camera of visitors. I said I dont want any police case, if i can get my cellphone back in $20 its fine with me. She said, its blackmail and she wont entertain that.

In the meanwhile i observed two more black guys wandering suspiciously inside the shop. But they are not the one whom i met earlier. I stared at them. I waited outside the shop, i know he is from the same Gang. He came closure to me and whispered "you got the bucks". He took me little away from shop. I have couple of my friends observing me from inside the car to jump into the scene in case of any big mess.

One more black guy is waiting for this guy little far, i suspected there are total 3 guys on the scene. I offered him $10 and he said deal is for $20. I said there is no deal, its the gift i am offering you for returning my cell phone. Suddenly the shop manager came into the scene and she said "is everything alright ". I said 'everything is fine". This guy started worrying, cops might enter the scene, because the shop manager went rushing inside. I opened my wallet and showed him, there are two more dollar bills. I said this is all what i have, We are friends now and i am offering gift of $12. He dont want to continue the scene some more time, he handed over the cellphone to me and reached his friend quickly. A car came from nowhere and all of them left in the car.

I got cellphone back in my hand. Now i am left at the scene, i jumped into my car and started quickly. I reached home safely with my RE-PURCHASED cell phone.

Its thrilling experience and i am happy i got my cell phone back.


Hemant said…
Suryaji... You should have given $20 and taken back your mobile... I would nvr appreciate to do this kind of things again as you knw hw those people r here in US .... You never knw how they behaves and hw they react... Please b careful
RaviKiran said…
I do agree with Hemant, It is too dangerous to play with these black guyz. 20$ was not a big amount for any mishap. Wish you good luck for future and take care.

Unknown said…
This will be a good lines to pickup for a NRI experience soap in TV. But I would vouch your friends comments above that it is always better to deal such incidents with the Law, I know it is not that easy to judge when you are at that boiling point!

...story ends with happy ending... so are we
Unknown said…

Please dont repeat this again. You might have enjoyed this whole scene, but we are so worried about you.

Take care of yourself.

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