I am walking all alone in snow mountains, might be Himalaya's (There is no one to tell what the place name is, no sign boards also). I saw a person in white clothes. Took few steps closer to him, i am not able to see his face. I asked who are you? He said i am CREATOR. I asked him are you GOD by chance ? He nodded his head.

He said we are having this rendezvous as you are having so many complaints about me. I said YES, how do you know? He looked Irritatingly at me and said I told you already I am CREATOR
and he started looking at mountains...

I thought , its much awaited occasion, i should play a role of opposition political party here.
I pooled all my energy and started furiously. There are no ethics in this world you created, no one is doing their duty properly, Rich exploiting poor ... so and and so forth. (These days i am reading news paper and editorial columns so i have big heap of problems in my head to shower on him). By the way a suggestion , read news papers daily they make your problems look smaller to you, by describing the horrible problems of the world. That way you always feel better. ("Feel good factor" generally used by political parties in ruling to win elections). OK, coming back to the topic, after giving a lecture on all the news paper headings i can recollect, i looked at him for answer.

He said slowly, I also read news papers.

Then i felt the need to add more , I remembered my manager and started speaking my corporate language this time. Knowing problem is only one part , resolution is the other and most important part of it. We have to analyze source of the problem and should get best feasible, acceptable solution. We have to understand the importance of it and should be able to appreciate it. I think you are understanding the point where i am coming from. We should not end up at square one !!! I know we have some loose ends, we should tight them and we should head on with problems.

I thought of using so many other words also but i don't have a need for it, any way i am giving them for your reference in future use (use them when you become manager.)
Aggressive, uphill task, proactive, initiative, backtrack, on track, on board, roll out , revisiting, don't try to reinvent the wheel, not my cup of tea, Any way if you are having at lest two to three cycles of appraisal in corporate world, you must be familiar with all these. Thanks to corporate managers.

OK, coming back to the topic again. After long speech of news paper headlines and corporate terminology, i started gasping and he started gulping. KUDOS !!! JOB HALF DONE.
Then i thought i should horrify him more. To help you in performing your tasks better, we should have a Investigating Agency (CBI, FBI - to screw people), Law (anything we are in trouble we can take it court, and we are rest assured it will never come out of the courts) and Media (can make or break people). And we should regularly go for public opinion after specific period (I mean elections) , in short i told him like we have to deal it democratic way. I expressed that he is handling world like China (single party rule) and acting like America (big brother). I suggest him, he should work like "Indianish" (biggest democracy in the world !!! )

He started thinking about Indianish way and elections. If he has to contest in elections, Raj Thackeray in Maharashtra will kick him as he is not Marathi, Karunanithi in TN already declared there is no one called "SRI RAM". Communists are strong in Bengal and Kerala, coming to AP its fight between three big leaders YSR, Naidu and Chiru, so only 4Th position is vacant here. Modi is demolishing all the temples in Gujarat for roads widening, so he might not even get a shelter to start his campaign. He cant even start his party from Ayodhya (UP) as the case is in court, no body should operate from disputed land. Though Kashmir is near from Himalaya, land for Amarnath pilgrims is already taken back by govt. So he cant do much there as well. I think he thought for for a while about the place he should start his campaign, if he has to accept my challenge.

He regained his strength and told me, I think its a good point and needs more analysis. We shall discuss on this from gross root level once you come to me.

I said WHAT ?? He said, are you ready to come tomorrow. I understood coming to him means end of life as it is one way, this is the biggest blunder in his creation i feel :-) , OH !! this is your trick.

I said there are some important meetings in office tomorrow. He said how about day after tomorrow, OH GOD he is not leaving (why he will leave he is god). I said i have production move. Before he giving me another date i said, i have some important deliverable which deserve my attention more, shall discuss this with you once i get some free time.

I am leaving the place in hurry, not able to find the way back to home. Suddenly i heard a voice, Surya getting late for office wake up quickly !!!!


Anonymous said…
nice surya, a bit boring after one paragraph but the title, beginning and ending is good.

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