Freedom VS Laxity

I would like to start this topic with an excellent quotation from Guru Granth Sahib:

From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived;
to woman he is engaged and married.
Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.
When his woman dies, he seeks another woman;
to woman he is bound.So why call her bad?
From her, kings are born.From woman, woman is born;
without woman, there would be no one at all.
— Guru Nanak,

Every human being should believe in Economic Freedom, Social Status, empowerment, No discrimination for women. It is shame for human beings to note that it took long time for women to get voting right in different countries. Women first won the right to vote in New zealand in 1893, in Australia in 1902, and in Finland in 1906. We should strongly oppose the Taliban kind of attitude over women in any part of the world.

At the same time, there is thin line of difference between Freedom and Laxity. People respect women they see in temple, not at late night party in pub with half clothes. People respect women who is friendly within limits, but not the one who changes a boy friend every year or two.

In majority of cases women know the expectation of the men they are dealing with. Most of the problems can be solved, If women can keep the clarity at the very beginning rather than encouraging guys till last moment and feeling shocked with their activities at the end.

Undoubtedly Women community is a suffering community. Young Men and Women need help from Friends, society, Parents and Teachers from time to time in using their freedom wisely rather than neglectfully.

No offense or Defense against this article please....... Its solely my opinion. I am not a misogynist symbol or feminist Icon. Rather a believer in freedom of speech, expression of opinion.


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