Indian Civilization

Taking a break from Satyam Fiasco news, just want to write about Indian Civilization video i watched on US local television. has some good videos on Indian Civilization. you can refer them at below link.

Some interesting facts i noted during the show:

The three oldest languages in the world are Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, they have close pronunciation for below three words.
Father, Mother and Horse.
Latin and Sanskrit are no more officially spoken anywhere.

These are early civilization languages.
civilization collapsed due to monsoon failure, which is mostly dependent on cool Himalayan planes and hot waves from south.
Aryans migrated to India. They brought Sanskrit and Vedas. Indus river
gave name India.
Aryans early civilization roots are found in Peshawar, Pakistan. Bitter leaves, mixed with honey is the drink taken by Aryans Called SOMA.
Its not part of Hindu civilization but part of Rigveda. Khiber kanumas are another source of this civilization.
All the civilizations collapsed because of the climate changes.
Rivers moved from east to west, which moved the civilization along.
Horse was first used in Central Asia. Ratha / Chariot is run by horses in those days.
Looks like Turkey is the source of the language for Indo Europe regions.
Troy and Mahabharat are from same time. Aakilis and Krishna both died due to arrow hit on the heel.
Its all happened in Dwapar Yuga.

Great flood destroyed the whole culture.

Having said that, take care of environment, otherwise our civilization will be read in books by coming generations :-)


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