Voting Right for NRI's

The topic is about voting right for NRI's.

As NRI we can execute our voting right through "PROXY VOTING".

Its simple you can assign some one else to execute your right of voting in your constitution. Though postal ballot option is there, it is not possible to print ballots for all the constitutions with all the member names and distributing it to NRI's and then collecting from them, counting votes. That could be herculean task.

In this regard, France does allow Internet voting for outside citizens. The below countries allow postal ballot for their citizens outside the country.
US, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Canada and UK.

The below countries allow to vote at embassy.
Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, France, Russia, Sweden, Philippines, Japan, Dominican Republic and Spain

So why cant we fight for our fundamental right. Sign a petition below

Remeber every change starts with small steps.


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