Republics of INDIA..

Just few days back I started putting my thoughts on paper for what happened on 26th Nov 2008 in Mumbai…..and then came this public holiday 26th January 2009.

Well what a coincidence, back in history 26th Nov is the date when constituent assembly passed Indian Constitution in the year 1949. It took two months to adopt the constitution on 26th Jan 1950. This day held so much of importance; we recognized it until we were kids and were supposed to be in school early in the morning to celebrate it, talk about patriotism and about the real heroes (soldiers) also about politicians who helped to build the constitution. As a grownup we learned this day as public holiday and enjoyed being at home, getting up late and end a day with restlessness.

It changed, we changed; may be because what we read doesn’t match with what we see….we read

We, the people of India, yes we are Indian making our bread and butter from whichever part of the continent we all are very much Indian. We do think about this great nation even while working for an American or Australian client, while helping them to run their Business smoothly and rise economically. Phrase is right that we are people of India but we are not WE. We here meant togetherness and we lack that…but we definitely need it. How we all know, just need to work on it.

having solemnly resolved to constitute India into sovereign socialist secular democratic and republic, who actually resolved to constitute India on these points; politicians or freedom fighters who are no more alive or their replacement who might not have these words in their dictionary but do have it in election agenda…we are sovereign since we have a supreme law making authority our parliament, supreme court. Do you remember the latest law passed from our democratic government in favor of this nation…do our leaders abide to the republics laid on 1950.

And to secure to all its citizens: Justice, social, economic and political; Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; ah… we are caught we are talking about Justice. Do you know the fastest case resolved by our courts or probably a decision made by them on issues of national interest? Well I don’t know if it happened. Social...we all agree that we are free to follow and worship our religion, any religion in this country and at the same time we are free to condemn other religion do all sort of destructive work including murder of mankind and it’s all permitted in the name of religion. Economic…well every country has rich and poor and so we are no exception, that’s true and agreeable but then why do we have richest of rich and poorest of poor.

Equality of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and unity and Integrity of the nation…No matter if you are rich or poor ask your child if they feel the equality in their school, their college or anywhere they go…the only answer to it will be NO. When we don’t have equality outside our Mathematics books we can’t talk about equality of status and opportunity.

If you know it already let me reiterate and if you have forgotten it long back let me remind that this is the “Preamble to the Constitution of India”. We blamed everyone we can in the above lines but it included us as well. Let’s talk now what we can do at our end to make it a better nation and stand by those bold lines.
1. Let’s teach our self and our children that no single man in the history won a war, it needs army of man to accomplish it. To come out as a winner learn to act together.
2. We are Indian just Indian and like how we could be into different profession which help earn our livelihood similarly we could follow different religion. Money earned gives ecstasy to our body, religion gives it to the soul. Never ask anyone to which religion do they belong, this question holds no good, it fetches unusable information.
3. One thing common between all of us is that we are animal with brain. Brain drives it all, good or bad. Earning should not be counted with number of Mahatma Gandhi images in those green leafs we hold in our hand, it’s counted with number of times we left it to be used for someone’s welfare. Does somebody need to recognize us for these works…surely no until we know it we don’t need a receipt for job well done.
4. It’s difficult to build something and easier to destroy…so let’s challenge our self and do the tough job of building this nation.

We have our own government, our own elected member rules us and after 59 years of being republic we are still a developing country with a huge potential to develop. We help other nations to develop so let’s start helping ourselves……


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