Funny realizations of Lock down

Here are some personal realizations of COVID19 stay home situation. Don't take it to heart, just for fun.

  • I can do 100 pushups + crunches in a day.
  • Can run for 2.5 miles, not that hard.
  • Reading is NOT hard, all you need is something that you like to read
  • Blogging is NOT that hard, you just need to think about what you want to write.
  • Learning is NOT that hard, all you need is a plan or list of things you want to learn
  • Wife and kid are not that bad, seems like reasonable people
  • Cooking is NOT hard, you just need to step into the kitchen.
  • I have to vacuum multiple times in a week, if we are staying home more :-(
  • Cutting hair is tough job, you can't really mess it up.
  • If you are not appearing in public places you may not shave that often.
  • I got plenty of clothes for work. Realized after washing and ironing everything I have at once. 
  • You need not hand pick your grocery, ordering online grocery is NOT bad at all.
  • You have more than enough vacation days at office. Not really sure what to do with all my leaves this year. 
  • Buying a tread mill is not an useless investment at all :-)
  • Finally the best joke i heard is, its ok if you are talking to plants and walls. Please consults psychologist ONLY if you feel plants and walls are talking to you.


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