knowledge should be free

In my personal opinion Knowledge should be free. eBooks published should be free after 3 years for libraries. Should be available freely in public library apps like Libby and if they are physical all libraries should be able to buy at minimal cost 2 copies. Internet should be free not only in libraries but in schools, hotels, hospitals, restaurants, public parks and establishments. I agree with subscription apps for music, videos and movies. On the other hand two copies of all eBooks should be available in Libby app in all public library subscriptions.
At the end of the day all a learner need to possess is a device for him to access the knowledge at his finger tips. This will be an investment in the society and raises the quality of living.
Patents in medical field expires after 20 years. It takes around 8 years to get approval from FDA. After 20 years generic should be available. Since it is most complicated medical field, I can understand exclusivity for 12 years at the least. But in terms of digital industry which grows with rapid speed as per Moore's law, exclusive patents should be some where around 5 years.
Moore's Law refers to Moore's perception that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years, though the cost of computers is halved. Moore's Law states that we can expect the speed and capability of our computers to increase every couple of years, and we will pay less for them.
For digital world, After 5 years that patent should be available for anyone to use/re-use. This will save humongous legal costs and brings democracy to innovation. Levels the playing field in a way. Every few years the Forbes most valuable companies list keeps changing. We always find new companies doing more innovative things than the large companies. Large companies with ton of digital muscle and cash should not buy out start up innovations.
Digital industry is embracing open source, crowd sourcing. Hope the data , technology, knowledge are near reachable levels to students/innovators. Let's build a society where knowledge can be free and access to knowledge is easy.


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