Yogi, Tapasvi, Jnani and Karmi - Stages of dedication to your cause
तस्माद्योगीभवार्जुन|| 6-46||
तस्माद्योगीभवार्जुन|| 6-46||
tapasvibhyo ’dhiko yogī
jñānibhyo ’pi mato ’dhikaḥ
karmibhyaśh chādhiko yogī
tasmād yogī bhavārjuna
jñānibhyo ’pi mato ’dhikaḥ
karmibhyaśh chādhiko yogī
tasmād yogī bhavārjuna
A yogi is superior to the tapasvī (ascetic), superior to the jñānī (a person of learning), and even superior to the karmī (ritualistic performer). Therefore, O Arjun, strive to be a yogi.
This is my own interpretation. There are 4 levels here.
Karmi: The one who does the work with the provided instructions
Jnani: He is the seeker of the knowledge, curious to learn.
Tapasvi: He has knowledge and vision. Can foresee cause and effect
Yogi: The 4th and final stage, where you don't care about the results and keep doing what you love doing.
All humans should strive to be Yogi's.