Actions - Reactions 7

Q) I am bored with my 40 year old wife .
A) You cant trade her for two twenty year old girls. So live with it.

Q) Hardwork has future payoff
A) Lazyness pays of NOW !!!

Q) Do you think god loves me ?
A) Yes he does, that's why he mad so many stupid people like you in this world.

Q) Do you achieve your target always ?
a) Yes, its pretty simple. Do what you want to do, whatever result you get, call that your target.

Q) Children in dark makes accidents ?
A) Actually its otherway around, Accidents in the dark make children.

Q) Women should not have children after 35, what do you say ?
A) yep, 35 children are enough.

Q) How is your office ?
A) Like hell with fluorescent lighting.

Q) Explain me what is conscience ?
A) Conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

Q) who are you ?
A) I am a waste of two billion years of evolution.

Q) My girl friend says, all her friends got tattos.
A) Ask her to realize after 40 years we will have all old women running around with tattos on them.

Q) Are you in shape ?
A) Yes, Round. Its a shape, isn't it ?

Q) What you need in your life ?
A) Rewind and Erase button


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