Save Trees

Its just not a slogan or thing of the past...its in action, where? in Hyderabad.

We talk and keep listening about the real estate investment in hyderabad, we do know about the increase in population and pollution. But here is something the forest department is involved in along with R&B (Roads and Building) department.

For road widening trees need to be cut, but then what about those trees? They become more or less a trash......Mr Ramdev, a local businessman, in love of nature thought of utilizing this big loss. Plants and seeds which take years to grow into a tree shouldn't be cut and wasted. They need to be reused. So he started with translocating and transplanting 200 such trees, which felled. Also for trees where trunks were damaged but branches are healthy where transplanted as well. It was a wonderful idea and trees got a new life with new leaves on it.

Now for the next road stretch which is to be cleaned forest department along with R&B will credit the work to the highest bidder, who will also do the translocation and provide the details of the location where trees are moved...

Nice idea Mr Ramdev..your love for nature had given new life to the trees and shade to the trespassers.


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