Actions - Reactions 8

Q) Why you write this series Actions-Reactions.
A) Because for every Action there is an equal and opposite Reaction.

Q) what does this give ?
A) A short sentence based on my long experience.

Q) You need little improvement.
A) May be my gene pool need chlorine wash.

Q) you want to slip into something comfortable ?
A) I don't want to go to coma now.

Q) What are rules and exceptions ?
A) Rules are for others and exceptions are for ourselves.

Q) What is fine and what is tax ?
A) A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.

Q) Life is like a bird ?
A) Yep, Its cute, until it shits on your head.

Q) Are you unique ?
A) Yes, I am Unique, just like everyone else.

Q) I am working restless yet no satisfaction in life ?
A) Ah must be a software engineer.


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