Our Iceberg is melting !!!

I just completed reading a wonderful book called 'Our Iceberg is Melting', Its really good book about 'change' written by John Kotter. After Kenneth Blanchard, this guy might be worth follwing. He has done so much scientific research on CHANGE.

In this book he takes an example of Melting Iceberg and Penguins. The whole story is about how they managed change. A few penguin characters like 'NO NO', Alice, Fred represent the real time characters we have seen in our life.

Here is the excerpt of the book for you at a glance:

The 8 step process of successful change....

Set the stage
1. Create a Sense of Urgency.
2. Pull together the guiding team.

Decide what to do
3. Develop the change vision and strategy : How can you make future a reality.

Make it Happen
4. Communicate for understanding and Buy In.
5. Empower others to act
6. Produce short-term Wins
7. Don't let up (pause)

Make it Stick
8. Create a new culture.

Some nice one liners in the book are as follows

Few people wont like hearing problem.
Reduce complacency and increase urgency.
I think I have enough experience to be patient.
Insufficient data to judge my IQ.

Enjoy reading !!!

This was my 22nd book so far.


Anonymous said…
if u have a softcopy.. can u plz send to my mail id rameshkatta0548@yahoo.co.in

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