Counter - Encounter 5

Thank you for your nice complements on this series, that gives me the encouragement to continue this further.......

You can't see good in any thing, are you pessimist ?
No, Realist.

Can you admit you have a problem ?
No , I am not married yet.

Its matter of prestige ?
Take your prestige to the market and lets see how many eggs you get.

My pain was your pleasure ?
My pleasure paining you ?

Are you a good guy ?
There are only two good guys in the world, one who just born and the one who just died.

Wish me happy birthday ?
OK, you lost one more year of your life, now go and celebrate.

Your astrology is not good.
Go and ask God, I cant be responsible for his mistake.

What are you doing ?
Diving into my own destruction, want to Join ?

What is most dangerous thing in life ?
A smiling wife welcoming you at your door step, when you return home.

Why you are continuously staring and smiling at her ?
coz, When we meet next time she feels my face familiar :-)


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