Corporate Characters

This is the 100th article in my blog. Thank you for your comments and mails its really nice to hear such feedback.

I just want discuss some of the typical corporate characters we meet in our day to day corporate life. This classification is broadly based on their work style.

These kind of people show their attitude at work with colleagues. They are egoistic and dominating. They think world is existing just because of them and they are powerful to do anything.

These kind of people don't really know how to work, but they manage well. They use good English skills to manage things and wrap troubles with vocabulary and make it light.

These kind of people just women centric. All their focus is impressing women around. Always trying to prove themselves as hero.

These kind of people don't have any capability to work. They just depend on different people to complete the task. Can't handle a single task on their own.

Boss shoe licks:
These kind of people will be ready to lick the shoes of their boss for favours. They never feel shy about it. They are largely depend on the favors from boss.

The last category who can not compromise their self respect, having enough talent but blunt in managing things. They have to deal with womanizer lead, headstrong manager , smart colleagues and parasite team mates. Still thinking of their dreams in corporate world.

None of these classifications are fictitious. I mean what I wrote. The funniest part of this classification is, everybody thinks they fall into last category and rest of their colleagues fall into other categories.


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